Smart Edu4.0 Webinar

0 min read

21 February 2022

Smart Edu4.0 Webinar

We are seeking local manufacturers views on Industry 4.0 and your company’s current Digital Transformation journey.

The European manufacturing industry is currently struggling with the short fall in required skills while educational and training institutions are finding it difficult to respond to the demand for technically competent and practically experienced engineers, not only at an expert level but also in general digital skills.

SERC (South Eastern Regional College) are seeking input from local businesses to provide insight into an exciting Erasmus+ project which aims to address this ever-increasing skills shortage in the manufacturing sector as many enterprises begin or plan to transition their operations from Industry 3.0 into Industry 4.0 through Digital Transformation.

If you would like to get involved and help guide us in the right direction regarding your skills needs, we would love to hear your views, by completing this short questionnaire: Industry 4.0 Employer Survey

We are holding a webinar on 23rd February 2022 2pm-3pm to share the project with you and discuss the findings from the questionnaire to begin to find solutions to decreasing the skills gap.

Book your ticket here

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