SU Recognition Awards 2021- Outstanding Contribution to the Student Community
0 min read
18 May 2021

This March, the 2021 SERC SU Conference was hosted virtually. This was an opportunity to celebrate the amazing work that the Class Reps and SU Officers have done this year with the SERC SU Recognition Awards.
Priscilla Hewitt, Women’s Officer (Bangor) was awarded with Outstanding Contribution to the Student Community.
Priscilla, although having a late start at the Students’ Union, has become an invaluable part of the team. Some of her achievements include getting involved in SU fundraising campaigns, producing content for the Health and Wellbeing Hub (in particular, spreading awareness of the importance of young women getting smear tests) and consistently using her role as Women’s Officer to support fellow students and capture the learner voice at SERC.
On top of all this, Priscilla has taken on the responsibility of leading the Parent Learner Support Group, an initiative that brings together students who are parents. The Parent Learner Support Group has helped the members feel more confident and supported by having a safe space to share their experiences.
Remember all students can join the SERC SU Online Hub and the SU Health and Wellbeing Hub. You can also keep to date up with the Students’ Union via social media channels, the SU are on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
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