SERC completes global partnerships project with visit to Morocco

0 min read

08 December 2023

Owen Parkes, SERC;  Alexandra Balafrej, British Council Country Director Morocco;  Elaine McKeown, SERC;  Ali Mouzouni, British Council;  Heather Miller, Consultant;  Claire Henderson, SERC; and Viktoriia Telkiga, British Council, in Rabat

Staff from South Eastern Regional College (SERC) international team have been visiting Morocco to complete a project with government bodies, to support the implementation of a Quality Assurance Framework for the Moroccan Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) sector.

The project is part of the British Council Going Global Partnerships programme, which builds stronger, more inclusive, internationally-connected higher education and vocational training systems, by supporting partnerships between universities, colleges, education policy makers, civil society organisations and industry partners around the world. 

Through these partnerships, the programme aims to contribute to stronger, more inclusive and globally-connected education systems which support economic and social growth as well as forging good relations between people in the UK and their international partners. 

Throughout 2023, SERC has worked in collaboration with the Ministry of Economic Integration, Small Business, Employment & Skills, the Office of Vocational Training & Employment Promotion (OFPPT) and Institutes of Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Training (IFMEREE) in Morocco,  providing practical support to help their staff engage in quality assurance and self-evaluation processes, and implement a pilot programme based on SERC’s Project-Based Learning model to help soft skills development. 

 The Moroccan partners visited SERC in June this year, and this was followed up with a series of mentoring sessions with teachers who ran a pilot programme with students.  

Then it was the turn of the SERC team to meet our partners in Rabat, Casablanca and Tangier in November, to discuss and evaluate progress.  

On returning to Northern Ireland, Elaine McKeown, SERC’s Senior International Development Manager, said  “One of the highlights of the trip was a visit to the OFPPT college in Rabat to meet students and see their projects. It was really impressive to see the innovative thinking at work, and the level of engagement as the students demonstrated their projects. We all agreed that the teaching team showed a high degree of commitment, too.  

“We were privileged to then be given a guided tour of the new King Mohammed VI City of Trades and Skills in Rabat: a new generation vocational training facility rooted in excellence and innovation. The tour included an informal meeting with the UK Ambassador to Morocco, Simon Martin, CMG and the British Council Country Director for Morocco, Alexandra Bakafrej.”

The SERC team also met senior members of government departments in Rabat and Tangier, sharing ideas for future collaborations.  

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