SERC Students Support Hygiene Bank

0 min read

12 April 2021

Students from South Eastern Regional College’s (SERC) Foundation Learning Academy have set up a Hygiene Bank Collection Point in Ards Campus to support local people.

Students from South Eastern Regional College’s (SERC) Foundation Learning Academy have set up a Hygiene Bank Collection Point in Ards Campus to support local people.

Foundation Learning Tutor Ann Grills said, “The Hygiene Bank is a charity which aims to help erase hygiene poverty which is widespread in our communities. When many people are struggling to buy food, basic toiletries such as toothpaste and soaps and household cleaners that many of us take for granted will be further down the necessities list. 

“Myself, and fellow Tutor, Claire-Louise Crawford, thought the work of the charity presented a great opportunity as an ongoing project for our students in their Duke of Edinburgh Award community work and when we suggested it to them, they were keen to get involved.   It has been difficult to get out into the community, due to COVID-19 and restrictions, but this way, the students can promote the call for donations to fellow students and staff, monitor the collection point and pass on donations to the charity.  

Staff and students are asked to help by donating everything from toothpaste, to nappies, to shampoo and soap to household cleaning products to the collection point at Reception. Basically, anything you might find in those aisles in the supermarket. And if you have any unwanted, unused gifts, say from Christmas, that fit the bill, please consider donating them to the Hygiene Bank at Reception in Ards Campus.  

For further information contact Ann Grills  

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