SERC Students Complete Institute of Motor Industry Accreditation
0 min read
19 July 2023

IMI Accreditations are voluntary practical assessments of a person's competence, knowledge and skills in their chosen motor vehicle discipline, in which they are held to the accepted motor vehicle industry standard of work. All the IMI Accreditations have been developed in conjunction with the motor vehicle industry to create practical and relevant assessments. There are more than 20 disciplines covered through IMI Accreditations, each with a range of levels. Having passed these stages, the SERC students are now recognised with an IMI Accreditation Certificate and are included on the IMI Professional Register, offering major opportunities for career progression.
SERC offers the opportunity for students to complete IMI Accreditations in technical areas including Service Maintenance Technician, Diagnostic Technician, and Master Technician accreditations. The students who recently completed their Master Technician Accreditation had to complete several tasks, which included diagnosing complex vehicle faults, maintaining and updating vehicle and equipment systems, performing a practical training demonstration, and showing that they can communicate complex motor vehicle information and subjects to potential customers.
Alan Kerr, SERC Motor Vehicle Training and Innovation Consultant, comments, “It’s great to have all the students that took part in our first Master Technical Accreditation pass. These folks really had to be on top of their game to be able to take on and pass the assessment tasks. The candidates that took part have studied on several of our diagnostics courses, including, IMI Level 4 Certificate in Advanced Automotive Studies, and IMI Level 3 and Level 4 Electric Vehicle courses. We are the only one of the six NI Colleges offering these accreditations, and the only provider offering the Master Technician Accreditation throughout the whole of Ireland. We hope to have more students take on this accreditation in the coming years.”
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