SERC Launch New Safeguarding Referral App
0 min read
06 October 2021

SERC have launched a new Safeguarding Referral App, replacing the pre-existing Cause for Concern App. Understanding the changing needs of the college’s young people especially when it comes to their health and wellbeing, the college Safeguarding and Pastoral Care Team wanted to create a new app that was more in line to the needs of the students.
Roger Duncan Head of Safeguarding and Pastoral Care said “There was a distinct need to look holistically at the whole student experience and ensure that there is a wide range of support services made available that could be easily accessible to all.
“For the past 12 years, any concerns about our young people have been sent to the Head(s) of Pastoral Care through the Cause for Concern system. Recognising the need for change the Safeguarding and Pastoral Care Team decided to redesign the referral process and launch the new Safeguarding and Pastoral Support App”.
Roger added “This new and improved App will help with quicker responses, linking in other support services to meet the needs of the learner and ensuring that we continue to offer the best standard of Safeguarding and Pastoral Care within the sector.”
Roger concluded by saying “A massive thanks must go out to Philip McCullough and Owen Lowdon from the Software Development Team at SERC who completed all the programming, ironed out all of the glitches and delivered a fantastic new App in a short period of time.”
You can access the Safeguarding Referral App here, there is also a user guide available for download that will take you through the steps for making a referral.
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