SERC FE Appeals Process – Summer 2021

0 min read

02 August 2021

Further Education Appeals Process – Summer 2021

The SERC FE Appeals process for Summer 2021 has been shaped by the Awarding Organisations. If you have any queries, please contact

We do hope that you feel that your results reflect your expected grades. Where you have concerns about the outcomes speak with your course tutor in the first instance who will advise you if you have grounds for an appeal.

Stages in the Appeals Process  

There are two stages to the centre appeals process; students must commence with Stage 1 which will be completed by SERC and if they remain unsatisfied, they may then progress to Stage 2.

Stage 1 – A Centre Review, completed by SERC

  • Appeals can only be made where you think the College made an administrative error in relation to your grade or where SERC did not follow its procedure in arriving at the Centre Determined Grade.
  • The outcome of Stage 1 can result in your grade being increased, decreased or staying the same.

Stage 2 – An Appeal to the relevant Awarding Organisation, submitted by SERC on behalf of a student and completed by the relevant Awarding Organisation.

  • Stage 2 appeals can only be made when a Stage 1 Centre Review has been fully processed by the College.
  • If a student wishes to submit an appeal on the ground of academic judgement (unreasonableness), this will only be considered by the relevant Awarding Organisation at Stage 2.
  • The outcome of Stage 2 can result in your grade being increased, decreased or staying the same.

Timelines and Dates

A student with a place on hold at a higher education institution can request that their appeal is prioritised.

Timelines for Priority Appeals:

  • The deadline for submission of a Stage 1 Priority Centre Review is the 16 August 2021.
  • The deadline for submission of a Stage 2 Priority Appeal to an Awarding Organisation is the 23 August 2021.

Timelines for all Non-Priority Appeals:

  • The deadline for submission of a Stage 1 Non-Priority Centre Review is the 3 September 2021.
  • The deadline for submission of a Stage 2 Non-Priority Appeal to an Awarding Organisation is the 17 September 2021

Appeal Grounds

The College wants all students to be satisfied that the results they received reflect the expected grades.  Where issues have arisen in the first instance discuss options with your course tutor.

Stage 1 – Centre Review: Appeal Grounds

The only grounds for a Stage 1 – Centre review are:

  • the College made an administrative error in recording your grade
  • the College did not make a reasonable adjustment for eligible students
  • the College did not provide suitable access arrangements for eligible students

Stage 2 – Appeal to Awarding Organisation:

Appeal Grounds The only grounds for a Stage 2 – Awarding Organisation Appeals are:

  • the College made an administrative error in recording your grade
  • the College did not make a reasonable adjustment for eligible students
  • the College did not provide suitable access arrangements for eligible students
  • the College exercised unreasonable academic judgement in terms of evidence selection
  • the College exercised unreasonable academic judgement in determining your grade


Click here to download the Stage 1 Centre Review Appeals form

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