SERC Employee Volunteering Scheme
0 min read
02 March 2020

Please watch the information linked here about SERC's new Volunteering Scheme
SERC are launching their new employee volunteering scheme. The scheme is designed to provide staff with an opportunity to have time off to volunteer, whilst developing new skills and supporting something that is worthwhile. You can get involved in activities that benefit individuals, clubs, charities and the environment, linked to the College’s core activities or values. The scheme allows up to two days pro-rata per year paid time off to volunteer where you have matched the College’s contribution, i.e. if you are granted two days volunteering leave, you must match this volunteering with two days annual leave.
If you are interested you should complete the online CPD form in the Learning Engine setting out how the volunteering activity fits into the scheme; the purpose of the activity and what you will do as well as providing evidence of volunteering already completed from the organisation (noting dates / times). The Volunteering Request Form linked below should be uploaded via My CPD online forms in the Learning Engine. This will provide your manager with:
- The name of the voluntary organisation
- Where the activity will be carried out
- The benefits of the activity, both to the employee and the voluntary organisation
- Duration, frequency and commitment required
- Any risks, e.g. conflicts of interest
More information about the scheme is linked below. Please take time to review it and come back to us if you have any queries or concerns.
Link to SERC Volunteering Scheme Information Booklet
The form to be completed and uploaded to with the My CPD request on the Learning Engine
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