Reusable Masks Campaign- Collection Dates and Times
0 min read
03 December 2020

The following dates, times and locations have been confirmed for face mask pick ups.
Lisburn- Reception Area
Wednesday 9 December 13:30-14:00
Wednesday 16 December 13:30-14:00
Wednesday 6 January 13:30-14:00
Bangor- Reception Area
Thursday 10 December 10:15-10:45
Thursday 17 December 10:15-10:45
Thursday 7 January 10:15-10:45
Newtownards- Reception Area
Wednesday 9 December 10:30-11:00
Wednesday 16 December 10:30-11:00
Wednesday 6 January 10:30-11:00
Downpatrick- Reception Area
Wednesday 9 December 13:30-14:00 and 5:15-5:45
Wednesday 16 December 13:30-14:00 and 5:15-5:45
Wednesday 6 January 13:30-14:00 and 5:15-5:45
Students of the college we are keen to make sure that all single-use masks were disposed of in the bin and brought this concern to the SU and Eco Committee. This, coupled with Estates' concern over the amount of disposable masks they were going through a day, prompted a group of Eco committee and SU representatives to work on a campaign to tackle both issues. Join the majority of SERC students and staff in wearing your reusable mask and, if you forget it, make sure to put disposable masks in the bin!
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