Return to education boosts personal development
0 min read
17 May 2023

With over 20 years work experience gained in events, Lesley-Ann Maguire, was ready to return to education when her third child headed off to ‘big school’.
Lesley-Ann who has a degree in hospitality management from Ulster University said, “I had taken a career break when my children were young and at school, but now that they are up a bit it felt like the right time to go back and do something for my own self development.”
“I had always been interested in interiors, and I found out about the Level 2 Interior Design at SERC on Facebook. It was recommended by a friend who had completed the course at the College, so I thought I would find out a bit more. I called up and spoke to the tutor just two days before the course started, and decided then that if it was something I was going to do, I should just get on with it!”
“I am building my own house at the minute, so I am using the course to help me put together plans for each room. I have learnt so much about interiors already – even how to use a scale ruler gives you a whole new set of skills to develop yourself. Right now, I am putting together mood boards, essentially taking something that inspires me and creating an interior to reflect the textures, colours and layout for different rooms. I have particularly enjoyed the creative process – everyone in the class is so full of ideas that we are all continually learning from each other. The tutor is inspirational bringing a wealth of industry expertise into the classroom."
Lesley-Ann added, “You are encouraged to push and develop yourself to get the qualification, but the course is manageable as it is one full day a week. If interiors are somethiseg that interests you, then I would say give it a go. I have found it really worthwhile and enjoyable for my own self development and am certainly interested in going on to the next level.”
Apply now for adult education part time courses commencing September 2023.
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