Reminder- Questionnaire: Planning for Return of Staff to College Campus
0 min read
10 June 2020
An email has been sent to all staff from Human Resources with an attached questionnaire, seeking to gauge your views on the potential barriers to a return to work on College Campuses.
Please note the deadline to submit a completed pro forma is Friday 12 June 2020, copy attached. The completed pro-forma should be returned to your Head of School/Department/Line Manager, via email and copied to HR at
A follow up call with you may follow in due course. A nil response will be taken that you have no specific issues, at present, in returning to work to a college campus. When completing the form, please assume that all required and appropriate safeguards will be in place to minimise contact, i.e PPE and social distancing measures. The information provided on the form is confidential and will be available only to your line manager and Human Resources. If your circumstances are to change, simply recomplete the form and submit it to Head of School/Department/Line Manager and HR via email at the earliest possible opportunity.
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