Post A Level and GCSE Options for Young People at SERC
0 min read
30 July 2024

South Eastern Regional College (SERC) is urging students to prepare for GCSE and A-Level results ahead of the College’s Enrolment Days this August.
Heather McKee, Deputy Principal, Student Support Services said, “Deciding on the next step after leaving school can be a daunting and anxious time for young people and their parents. It is vitally important for both to find out about all the courses and learning opportunities available in advance of results, so they are prepared to make informed choices relatively quickly.”
If you're exploring your options after A-Levels, SERC provides Higher Education (18+) qualifications including Foundation Degrees and Degrees. We run courses validated by Liverpool John Moores University, The Open University, Queen’s University Belfast and Ulster University. You can also study for a Higher National Certificate or a Higher National Diploma or follow the Higher-Level Apprenticeship route. Higher Education enrolment days are on Thursday 15 August, 9am-5pm and Friday 16 August, 9am-3pm at our Bangor, Downpatrick, Lisburn and Newtownards Campuses.
And if you’re looking for the right path after GCSEs, SERC delivers Further Education courses across a wide variety of subjects and includes vocational training and essential skills. You can also pursue a traineeship or earn while you learn on an apprenticeship. Further Education, Traineeship NI and Apprenticeship enrolments take place on Thursday 22 August, 9am-5pm and Friday 23 August, 9am-3pm.
Applications are still open, and places are still available on some courses. It’s not too late to choose your path to the career you want with qualifications in a range of subjects from animal care to business, from cyber security to engineering, from healthcare to travel and tourism, art and design to engineering, beauty therapy to electrical installation, professional cookery to performing arts, computing to sport and science. Subjects available depend on campus and level of study.
Heather added, “If you’re looking for guidance on your next steps, SERC’s impartial and award-winning careers advisors are here to help you. Email for an appointment prior to enrolment days, indicating which campus you would like to attend. The service is free. The careers team will also be available at SERC’s campuses on a drop-in, first come-first served basis on A-Level results day, 15 August and 16 August for Higher Education enrolment; and again, on 22 August and 23 August following GCSE results for Further Education, Traineeship NI and Apprenticeship enrolment.
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