Pledge & Participate on Earth Day!

0 min read

19 April 2021

Go Green Pledge

Make a difference this Earth Day by taking one small eco action and by completing a Go Green Pledge!

What is a Go Green Pledge?

  1. You write down 2-4 goals for being more eco-friendly to work on over the next 3 months. Examples include:
    A- Bring a reusable water bottle to College every day.
    B- Wear a reusable mask.
    C- Go meat-free 1 day a week.
  2. We encourage you to post your pledge in the 'Go Green Pledges' channel of the Eco Microsoft Team. This will inspire others and allow you to get recognition for your efforts (small prizes are available for outstanding efforts!) Please click here for Go Green Channel.

    Why write a Go Green Pledge?

    This activity encourages us to reflect on the impact of our daily activities on the planet and to identify small changes we can make to improve our carbon footprint. Lots of small actions add up to make a big difference! We welcome pledges from all staff and students in the College!

    How can I get involved?


    1. Download the template
    2. On Earth Day, set aside 5-10 minutes to reflect and complete your pledge. (If you are a teacher, consider giving your students 5 minutes in class.)
    3. Upload your completed pledge to 'Go Green Pledges' channel of the Eco Microsoft Team. Please click here for Go Green Channel.
    4. We will occasionally post in the team inviting everyone to update us on their progress or share advice!


    1. Choose one small action that you can take on Earth Day to make a difference. It could be unplugging electronic devices at home when you are not using them, having a meat-free lunch or switching off lights when you leave a room! 
    2. We welcome photos and updates in the Eco Microsoft team!

    Page Tags

    Eco Friendly SERC