Pet Care Tips and Tricks
0 min read
27 April 2020
![animals](/WebsiteUserImages/News/2020/04 April/animal tips.png)
Lockdown has not only been a challenge for us, it has also been challenging for our pets who have had to adapt to their owners new routines. To help you and your pets live in harmony during this time, SERC Animal Care Technician, Laura Leebody, has provided the below tips and tricks.
1. Unknown shiny yellow ball?
When we see the beautiful weather, we all want to be out in it, but remember that your dog is still wearing their beautiful big coats. Avoid the hottest parts of the day, try walking in the early mornings or late evenings when it is cooler. Heat stroke can happen quickly and is extremely dangerous for your pooch.
2. Dude, where’s my tortoise?
With good weather remember to make sure that if your animals are enjoying time in the garden, that you offer them a shaded area, plenty of water, and make sure they are always supervised. Check to make sure that are no dangers like chemicals or poisonous plants your animal could ingest. Excuse me, but I was sleeping!
3. Are you disturbing your cat’s midday siesta?
All this extra activity at home could be stressing your moggy. Look out of signs of strange behaviour, try adding a hormone plug-in or a quiet space for cats to retreat to, if you are worried contact your local vet for advice.
4. Move over germs!
All this extra cleaning and hand washing will be helping the country stop the spread of virus’ but do not forget your pets. Harsh chemicals can be damaging to lungs, skin and can be deadly if ingested. Always use as directed and keep pets away.
5. Exercise or extra fries?
All this extra walking is a great bonding experience and great exercise for you and your pet, but be cautious with all the extra activity, going from couch potato to marathon champion is not suitable for very young or older dogs. Keep to short walks on flat, even ground to avoid damage to growing or groaning joints.
6. Natures Pets?
With a little extra time on our hands at home, now would be an ideal time to get involved with wildlife. Join the RSPB’s big bird watch or check out the Ulster Wildlife series on making a home for nature. Beautiful and child friendly actives that will make all the difference to natures pets.
7. Where’d you go?
When we return to our normal working routines, your pets will need to re-adjust to lives back on their own again. Try separating from your pet for a few hours every day to allow them time to themselves. A few hours on their own now, will avoid a big adjustment in the future.
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