Open Night Puts Auto Industry in Driving Seat at SERC
0 min read
06 March 2020

South Eastern Regional College (SERC) are hosting an ‘open night’ for the auto industry on Thursday 19 March. 6.00 – 8.30pm at their Lisburn Campus, Castle Street Lisburn.
Business Development Manager, Anna Egner, said, “SERC has a long history working with the auto industry, whether training young people for careers or upskilling people already working in the sector. This open night welcomes everyone working in the automotive industry; technical, non-technical and staff working at all levels whether in local independent garages or national dealerships.
“Participants will have the opportunity to take part in taster sessions for the latest Electric Vehicle and Oscilloscope training, funding opportunities for upskilling staff or developing business, learn about Higher Level Apprenticeships geared for the industry and our programmes accredited by the Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI) so they come with continuing professional development (CPD) credit.
She added, “It is a great opportunity to hear case studies and network with local motor vehicle professionals.”
Places are free but strictly limited and must be booked online at
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