New programme at SERC offers pathways into employment
0 min read
02 August 2023

Step-Up, a new programme offering a wide range of flexible new courses, is being provided by SERC from September 2023. The programme is funded under the UK government’s New Deal for Northern Ireland Initiative and is managed by the Department for the Economy.
The programme is designed to help people who need support to return to training and education, and who are missing out on job opportunities. Schedules are flexible and the focus is very much on the individual student.
Step Up consists of four pathways: College Connect+; College Connect 24+ Disability Access Route to Education and Employment (DARE); and Women Returners Access Programme (WRAP).
College Connect+ is aimed at people between the ages of 16-24 who are not currently working, studying or training. With an individual development plan, mentorship, and careers advice, College Connect+ supports learners to gain a level 1 qualification as well as the personal skills and the mindset employers look for.
College Connect 24+ targets those aged 25 and over who are currently not in education, employment or any training. Individual development plans and short courses offer qualifications and the chance to gain employability skills or the option to progress in education.
Disability Access Route to Education and Employment (DARE) is open to all who have a disability, are aged 16 years or over and are unemployed or economically inactive. Support offered through DARE includes weekly mentorship, goal setting and action planning tailored to the individual learner to enhance opportunities to gain qualifications and progress into work or stay in work. Learners will also receive support from expert organisations where appropriate.
Women Returners Access Programme (WRAP) supports women to return to work following an extended career break. This programme is aimed at unemployed or economically inactive women who wish to build confidence, refresh skills, and gain qualifications and work experience in growth industries. Learners will receive job coaching and mentorship, and support will be provided to plan progression to Further and Higher Education or employment.
Students on the new Step-Up Programme can apply for funding for travel, childcare and any equipment they might need to complete their course.
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