NILGOSC Pension Scheme Information Session

0 min read

09 February 2022

See event information below

Money and Pensions Service are offering a 1-hour virtual information session regarding the McCloud Judgement in relation to the NILGOSC Pension Scheme. 

The reforms to public service pension schemes in 2015 included ‘transitional protection’ for older members to allow them to continue to build up pension in their old schemes rather than moving immediately to the new pension scheme.   The Court of Appeal has since ruled that this gave rise to unlawful age discrimination.

The Government has now confirmed how it intends to remedy the discrimination identified by the Courts so join experts from the government backed MoneyHelper on Tuesday 22 February at 10.00 am to 11.00 am via MS Teams to find out how this will be done and understand what this means for you and your pension.


  • NILGOSC pension arrangements
  • 2015 public service pension reforms
  • The McCloud judgment
  • Who is not affected?
  • What does this mean for you?
  • Member examples How does a final salary scheme work?
  • How will your pension be calculated in the 2015 scheme?
  • What can you do now?

*Please note that MoneyHelper does not have access to individual pension records and will be providing impartial information and facts based on published Government guidance to date. 

For free impartial guidance on your pension options click here

To reserve your place on the session email and you will be sent the joining link.  

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