Move into Sport sets Cormac on his Career Path

0 min read

03 July 2023

A young male wearing a sports hoodie in a fitness suite

Cormac (18), left St Patrick’s Grammar School after his GCSEs and began working as a plumber alongside his brother but, he says, it became clear he didn’t want to pursue this career.  He says, “I realised quickly plumbing wasn’t for me, and I had to think about what I wanted to do with my life. I saw that there was an open day at SERC in Downpatrick and knew some of my friends who trained in various trades here liked it, so I went along to find out more and discovered the sports course. I just love sport; I’ve been playing sport my whole life and I have been loving the time at SERC too.” 

He acknowledges that he still questioned his choice right up to the start of the term, but says his mind was quickly put at rest: “I didn’t know what to expect, and I had to think about it, but it’s the best decision I ever made. The first couple of weeks were so brilliant and I settled down quickly. We had an induction with plenty of activities to get to know each other and to help us learn to work together to meet challenges.” 

He adds, “Just as my friends said, it is very different from school - so if school wasn’t your thing, college is perfect. I like that you get to do lots of practical stuff – we're playing badminton today, for example and we also play soccer, which wouldn’t be part of a normal school timetable, except for PE. And the facilities at SERC are really good.  

“But I am also enjoying other aspects of the learning; it’s very much an all-round course. You learn human biology including nutrition, health and injury, so you get to know about how the body works and how to look after yourself. It’s the perfect grounding to progress to a sport-related career.  I am looking forward to continuing the National Diploma next year, and then I want to go on to university to study physiotherapy. I have always known I wanted to do a practical job; I couldn’t spend all day working in an office. I’ve been enjoying the science elements of my course at SERC so altogether it's right for me.” 

To anyone considering the Level 3 National Diploma in Sport at SERC, Cormac says, “Go for it! I have enjoyed the last year and I’m looking forward to next year. There is a possibility of going to South Africa for work experience which isn’t something that was ever on my radar, so I will certainly jump at the chance. I haven't looked back since starting at SERC, and if I have a regret, it’s just that I haven’t had time to enjoy all the many opportunities SERC offers. Some people in the class are doing the Duke of Edinburgh/Gaisce Joint Award and it sounds great.” 

Courses starting in September at SERC are open for applications. #BetterOffAtSERC.