Money Talk Week 8th to 12th November 2021
0 min read
08 November 2021

People don’t talk about their money enough. Despite the COVID-19 crisis affecting our finances, 9 in 10 UK adults – that’s 47 million of us – don’t find it any easier to talk about money, or don’t even discuss it at all.
Financial wellbeing, alongside physical and mental wellbeing is also crucial. But there is still work to be done to break down the taboo of talking money. That is why, each November everyone is encouraged to come together for Talk Money Week, to start money conversations in any walk of life. The week is designed to increase people’s sense of financial wellbeing by encouraging them to open about personal finance.
Talk Money Week 2021 takes place on the 8th to the 12th of November. Everyone has money worries – and for many, the challenges of the pandemic have brought these to the fore – but just as you can take action to improve your physical health, you can also take some simple steps to feel more in control of your financial wellbeing too. Research shows that people who talk about money:
- make better and less risky financial decisions
- have stronger personal relationships
- help their children form good money habits for life
- feel less stressed or anxious and more in control
Support and help is available:
- MoneyHelper’s Couch to financial fitness to help you fell more in control of your finances click here
- Inspire Wellbeing information point fact sheet click here
For Money Talk Week a series of events have been organised via MS Teams please view the events section for more information.
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