Message of Condolences

0 min read

09 February 2023

display of seven candles alight with dark background

Among the SERC population are a significant number of Syrian, Kurdish and Turkish students.  As we see in the media the effects of the recent earthquakes near the Turkish/Syrian border, our hearts go out to the people living in that area.  The incredible level of destruction and devastation on individuals and families is shocking.   

We know for some of our students with relatives in these areas this will be a stressful and anxious time.    The SERC family is thinking of you at this time.

“On behalf of South Eastern Regional College, I would like to extend my deepest condolences and sympathy as the dimensions of the terrible tragedy in Syria and Turkey resulting from the recent earthquake unfold. As an expression of this concern, we offer to all those who mourn losses of loved ones and remain stunned by the destruction of homes and communities.”          

Ken Webb
Principal & Chief Executive, SERC


Photo by Hakan Erenler