Mental Health Awareness Week at SERC

0 min read

18 May 2020

“Kindness” is the theme for Mental Health Awareness Week, 18-24 May 2020 in response to the coronavirus outbreak, now more than ever we need to re-discover kindness in our daily lives.

“Kindness” is the theme for Mental Health Awareness Week, 18-24 May 2020 in response to the coronavirus outbreak, now more than ever we need to re-discover kindness in our daily lives. The act of “Kindness” can help improve emotional wellbeing, reduce stress and anxiety, increase happiness and self esteem and this is true whether we are giving or receiving it. 

Strength in community kindness 

Kindness is contagious, by being kind, we also have the opportunity to impact on someone else’s day.

  • Connect and check in with a work colleague, your friend or neighbour – a simple text or email to ask how they are can make a real difference and start a conversation.
  • Volunteer your time with local Organisations who may need support.

Strength in Kindness in your household 

Since the lockdown began, we have been told, “Stay at Home” and that action in itself is an act of kindness to all those around us.   Particularly as more of us are working from home, and you can create a kind space for people to relax, be honest and connect

  • Talk to your children about kindness and compassion, spend time telling stories of people who changed the world or make art to bring a smile to your family and friends.
  • Talk a walk together, stop worrying about the household chores.  We all know about the important link between your mental and physical health, therefore it is important to pause, get some fresh air and take time to yourself.
  • If someone in the family is working in another room, check in on them from time to time – offer to make them a cup of tea or coffee and stop for breaks for a chat.

Strength in kindness to yourself 

Being kind is courageous.  Have the courage to be kind to yourself as well as others.

  • Use whatever space and time you have to reach out and connect safely with family, friends, colleagues and neighbours – these simple small acts of kindness are good for your wellbeing.
  • Feeling good about yourself, recognising and accepting who you are and what you are great at – whether in your work or personal life – all helps boost your confidence.  Remind yourself how capable your are.
  • Reflect on your happy memories, this will trigger a sense of happiness and positive mental thoughts.
  • Write down 3 strengths, challenge negative thoughts – self worth and self esteem helps you cope when life takes a difficult turn.  Be proud of who you are.

“With kindness comes hope, and with hope comes the strength to overcome these hard times together”




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