Meet Your Student Governor: Gemma Diamond

0 min read

21 September 2021

Meet Your Student Governor Gemma Diamond

In April SERC Students’ Union announced that Gemma Diamond won the vote to become your new Student Governor, a role which will see her form part of the Governing Body of SERC. Here we get to know Gemma a little bit better and also find out more about her plans as student governor.

What course are you studying?

I am currently studying level 2 Culinary Skills and I hope to advance to level 3 next term.

Which 3 words best describe you?

  • Enthusiastic
  • Passionate
  • Persistent

What do you like to do in your free time?

I love swimming, I am also a member of St. Michael’s boxing team and as you would expect giving my course I enjoy cooking.

If you could have anyone's job for a day who would it be and why?

Rick Stein. I would love to travel the world with a camera and crew to learn each culture through food.

List 3 items you would want if you were stranded on a deserted island?

  • My pillow
  • First aid kit
  • Swiss army knife

What is your favourite film and why?

Little Women. It reminds me of my sisters and I love how they are so talented and creative.

What made you want to run for student governor?

I feel I could be a great leader. I can be a good representative for SERC and a loud fighting voice for us students.

What impact do you wish to have?

I wish to uphold the standards of SERC and help with any changes that could be positive for the future of us students.

What are you looking forward to most from you term?

I am looking forward to hopefully helping with getting back to normality and help with any campaigns, or anyone that needs help while studying at SERC.

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