Meet Your SU Campus President- Matthew Reynolds- Downpatrick

0 min read

11 January 2021

Meet Your su Campus President- Downpatrick Campus

What course are you studying?

Ulster University Foundation Degree in Computing

What three words best describe you?

Hard-Working. Friendly. Funny.

What do you like to do in your free time?

Star Trek. Just Star Trek.

If you could have anyone’s job for a day who would it be and why?

Director of NASA – because who wouldn’t want to be director of a Space-Based Organisation!

List three items you would want with you if you were stranded on a deserted island?       

  • Long-Range Radio Transmitter – to call for help         
  • Extra Large Solar Panel – to power the transmitter -
  • Water Distillation Kit – for Water!

What is your favourite film and why?

Star Trek: Generations because it has both Captain Picard and Kirk in it! 

What made you want to run for campus president?

The opportunity to represent the interests of the campus and ensure that students’ needs are addressed and resolved.

What impact do you hope to have?

To the help improve the in-college and online student experience, and ensure our students have the resources they need to effectively learn, during this difficult time.

What are you looking forward to most from your term?

Working on the projects we have coming up with the rest of the Downpatrick Students Union 


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