Kick-Start a Business Idea with Be Your Own Boss
0 min read
29 March 2024

Tony O’Neill (52) from Downpatrick has recently completed the Be Your Own Boss course at SERC’s Downpatrick Campus.
Tony, a carer for his mother who has several long-term health conditions, found out about the course on social media. He said, “It piqued my interest, but it wasn’t until I had seen it again on a poster that I decided to find out a bit more and then I applied for the course online. I had never set foot in the college before but have found it to be a lovely environment. Everyone is very welcoming."
He continued, “My background is in construction – I was a bricklayer by trade – but have always been handy. I am trying to get a home maintenance business set up that would work with my caring responsibilities - I need the flexibility.”
Speaking about Be Your Own Boss, Tony said, “The course and everything we have been doing has been completely new to me, but I have thoroughly enjoyed it. It has given me lots to think about; things I wouldn’t have thought about, had I not come on the course. For anyone thinking about setting up some small venture, I would certainly recommend the course as a starting point.”
Be Your Own Boss offers local people the opportunity to learn some of the skills and knowledge required to start up and run your own business. Funded by the Department for Communities, the course is free to attend and will run at SERC’s Downpatrick Campus, every Wednesday, 9.30 am - 12.30pm for 12 weeks, starting on 17 April 2024. Lunch will be provided.
To apply or to register your interest, please email or telephone 0345 600 7555.
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