Join the Eco Committee Today

0 min read

26 September 2022

Get Ready, Get SERC, Get Green

Are you keen to:

  • Develop your skills & build your CV*
  • Create real eco change on campus & beyond?
  • Have fun, meet new people & be part of a welcoming team?

*Eco Committee members receive a skill certificate. 

Yes? Then the Eco Committee wants YOU!

Check out the info-graphic below for Mollie's thoughts on being an Eco Committee Member.

To find out more, sign up to an online Eco Committee Info Session here

Read more about the roles and the Eco Committee here

Joining The Eco Committee

To stay up to date with all things green, join the Eco Microsoft  Team by clicking here

Below are descriptions of the Eco Committee roles you can adopt and how. For more information, join our online info session. You can also speak to the Enterprise, Entrepreneurship & Environment team at your campus Freshers' Fair.


  • Works as part of a team to help create and deliver eco projects
  • Supports & promotes Go Green college initiatives e.g. Zero Shop & Eco Blog
  • Attends one monthly planning meeting, taking turns to write brief notes
  • Attends one monthly group working session

To apply: Attend an online Info Session. Sign up here.


  • Helps organise and guide the team towards setting & achieving targets
  • Works as part of a team to help create and deliver eco projects
  • Supports & promotes Go Green college initiatives e.g. Zero Shop & Eco Blog
  • Attends one monthly planning meeting and one monthly working session
  • Represents Eco Committee to SU and vice versa, attending a monthly SU meeting

To apply: Attend an online Info Session. Sign up here

ALSO, email for guidance on nominating yourself.

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