International Visitors hosted at SERC for NSVETT Project

0 min read

06 June 2022

International visitors pictured following their PBL Hospitality Challenge

International Visitors Undertake Cooking Challenge in SERC Kitchen International visitors prepare cooking challenge in SERC Kitchens.

SERC’s Learning Academy and International teams hosted visitors from colleges and universities in Finland, The Netherlands and Scotland, from 23 to 25 May, as part of an Erasmus+ funded project aimed at preparing teams for challenges of the sector identifying the skills that teachers need within the VET (Vocational Education and Training) sector.

The New Skills for Vocational Education and Training Teachers (NSVETT) brings together a wealth of knowledge and experience, to look at the skills VET teachers will need in the future to respond to the changing demands of industry and the economy.

Fiona Cullen, Deputy Head of Learning Academy at SERC said, “A key focus of the New Skills for VET Teachers project is to share knowledge of the education challenges across Europe.   To date, the Project team have produced a series of articles which share good practice and learning from across Europe and identify the skills teachers need as noted by the partners from their contexts. The purpose of this visit was to share good practice on Project Based Learning (PBL) and to understand the approach through an immersive learning experience. The Project team had the opportunity to take part in a PBL culinary challenge, celebrating cuisine from their countries, under the expert guidance of Chef Brian Magill and to record videos of the learning they have had on the project as well as how it has impacted practice.”

As well as seeing the state-of-the-art facilities at SERC’s Bangor Campus, there was also time to visit Titanic Belfast.

You can find out more about the NSVETT Project here.  

Pictured above: L-R Sannakaisa Raatikainen (Salpaus), Erika Penttilä (Salpaus), Paula Philpott (SERC), Peter Siemann (Albeda), Craig Donald (Salpaus), Antti Viiman (Häme University), Brian Magill (SERC), Soili Rinne (Häme University), Fiona Cullen (SERC), Heather Gyle (SERC), Veerle Visch (Albeda), John Gallagher (Glasgow Kelvin College), Owen Parkes (SERC), Barbie Jordan (Glasgow Kelvin College) and Daniel Mitchell (Glasgow Kelvin College) following PBL cooking challenge in SERC's Bangor Campus.

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