International Stress Awareness Day
0 min read
03 November 2021

Stress can mean different things to different people. Stress is often defined as a mismatch between the demands placed on us and our ability to cope with these demands. Over the course of our lives, we face unavoidable challenging events and situations such as financial worries, work related difficulties, family and relationship difficulties, physical health problems, bereavement.
Acknowledging when you are stressed/anxious or tired is the starting point to receiving the help and support you need. Talking to the right people e.g., family, friends, health professionals, can often make a big difference. A simple guide to stressing less and enjoying life more is available to download click here
Inspire Wellbeing has provided some simple steps to help you manage stress….
Unplug for a while
Occasionally give yourself the time to unplug. You do not have to be connected 24/7, and there is no need to tune into online chatter all the time. When you’re not connected to social media waiting for the latest status or living in a state of stress while dreading the next email to arrive, go for a walk without your mobile, call in with someone and have a chat. For ideas and support the Power of Pause information is available and to access click on the link power-of-pause.pdf (
Eat Well
Good food and regular meals provide the energy you need to deal effectively with stress.
Be Active
We all know that staying active is good for us. You don’t have to run a marathon or join a high-tech gym, taking a brisk walk for 30 minutes three days, a week may not only reduce stress levels but also reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.
Sleep Well
Good sleep is essential for our bodies and minds to recover but can be the first thing to go when we are feeling stressed. Poor sleep can lead to tiredness and fatigue, leaving you feeling even more stressed. How to get a good night’s sleep click on the link sleep-and-wellbeing.pdf (
Do Something Fun
Taking a break from your hectic life and having fun, can help to prevent stress from building up and provide some breathing space to recharge your batteries.
Mediation and Deep Relaxation
Learning how to clear your mind takes practice but it’s a great way to relax, refresh and recover from the stresses and strains of daily life. Experiment until you find a technique that works for you and then build it into your daily routine. Downloadable Free Stress Apps for your phone click here. 10-minute Mental Wellbeing Audio guides to help boost your mood. You can listen to them privately, to help you through feelings such as anxiety and low mood click here
Remember: The colleges support services are available on the Mind Yourself App and can be accessed under the Healthy Mind section click here and this provides contact details and information on the services provided by Mental Health First Aiders, Inspire Wellbeing Counselling Services and UK Healthcare – My Healthy Advantage App.
Stress Awareness Day Event on Wednesday 3rd November 2021 via MS Teams
Inspire Wellbeing will be holding a 1 hour seminar on Managing Stress and Anxiety virtually on Wednesday 3rd November 2021 at 3.00 pm via MS Teams.
This seminar provides an understanding of stress and anxiety, consider what causes stress and anxiety and identifying signs and symptoms and how to look after your own mental health.
To reserve your place email and you will be sent the joining link.
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