Global Entrepreneurship Week Day 2
0 min read
09 November 2021

It is day 2 of Global Entrepreneurship Week! Throughout the week, we will bring you daily exclusive interviews, videos, profiles and events with Entrepreneurs.
Today we have a video with entrepreneur Gerry White, founder of Jawbox Gin, who has been in 'the bar game' for many years, and is incredibly passionate about Belfast, stories and of course gin!
Jawbox is a small batch gin inspired by the magnificent industrial era of Northern Irish history, when ordinary men and women put Belfast on the map for hard graft and craft. Jawbox is named in honour of the ever-celebrated Belfast sink, which years ago was the heart of the kitchen where the craic was heard, and unforgettable stories were shared. Back in the day, not everyone had the luxury of their own kitchen or scullery so there could have been a big Belfast sink shared between 5 or 6 families. People used to gather around it to tell their tales, do their washing, share the gossip, celebrate and commiserate all around the sink.
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