Future Generation of Pharmaceutical Professionals Celebrate Pharmacy Technicians Day
0 min read
21 October 2021

SERC staff and students celebrated Pharmacy Technicians Day by virtually welcoming Jo Sutton from Northern Ireland Centre for Pharmacy Learning and Development (NICPLD) to their class as a guest speaker as well as hosting a “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire” style quiz themed around the subject of antibiotics.
Kerry Gilmore SERC Pharmacy Lecturer said “When students qualify, they enrol at NICPLD, this is where they continue their specific pharmacy qualifications depending on the area, they specialise in. Jo delivered a talk on this to our current 2nd year students. This benefits them as this is information the students need to have awareness of to further their career.”
Speaking about SERC’s Pharmacy offerings Kerry said “We deliver both Level 2 BTec for Pharmacy Assistants and a Level 3 BTec for Pharmacy Technicians both for hospital and community settings. These qualifications are required to work within these settings and the student must be working within a pharmacy at enrolment due to the practical nature of the qualification. Over the years we have built up excellent relations with the hospital trusts and community pharmacies, we work closely with them to ensure we are delivering content that is relevant and current.”
Guest speaker Jo Sutton from NICPLD said “It was great to chat to future pharmacy technicians at SERC. So many opportunities will be heading their way when they qualify. I am looking forward to supporting their future learning and development to progress their careers. I am sure they are already invaluable pharmacy team members!”
Conor O’Reilly Level 3 BTec Pharmacy Technician student spoke about the day “We celebrated Pharmacy Technician Day by having a Zoom talk with Jo Sutton from NICPLD, she provided us with some information on the increasing opportunities that will be provided to us once we qualify at the end of the year. Along with this cake and brownies were provided to accompany our tea to celebrate our roles as pharmacy technicians. Highlight of the day for me was coming 2nd in the quiz, unfortunately it was not first but the prize of a pharmaceutical themed water bottle softened the blow. It was a great day.”
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Caption: Future Generation of Pharmaceutical Professionals Celebrate Pharmacy Technicians Day. Pharmacy Students at SERC welcomed Jo Sutton from NICPLD virtually to their class for a talk as they celebrated Pharmacy Technicians Day, the students also took part in a Who Wants to Be A Millionaire style quiz themed around antibiotics. Pictured Louise Hendrickse, Helen Wilson, Kerry Gilmore, Eamon McAuley, Simon Loughrey, Kseniia McConnell, Conor O'Reilly, Rhonda Rainey and Colin McCourt
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