Expression of Interest- Internal Equality Working Group
0 min read
12 October 2021

SERC’s Internal Equality Working Group are seeking 3 new members from across the College for the academic year 2021/22. The Equality Working group is chaired by Paul Walsh and is made up of representatives from Academic and Corporate staff along with trade union and student representatives. As a group, areas for discussion are identified, discussed and measures are put in place to ensure staff, students and visitors to the College are all treated equally and in compliance with legislation and where required changes/recommendations are passed to CMT for approval. Areas that group have dealt with have included review and implementation of transgender processes and procedures, training staff to help and support students transitioning, new toilet signage, implementation of the new Disability Action plan, monitoring questionnaires for staff and students and Mental Health provisions.
The existing working group wishes to have representation from all schools/units. We are therefore inviting Expressions of Interest from staff to join the group for a 2 year term. If you wish to be considered please complete the attached expression of interest form, demonstrating your interest in equality matters and what you could bring to the group.
The first meeting for 21-22 is scheduled to take place via MS teams on Wednesday 3 November 2021 at 3.00 pm.
If you wish to be considered please complete the Expression of Interest and return by 5.00 pm on Monday 18 October 2021 to
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