Darran Finds Success on Civil Engineering Apprenticeship
0 min read
27 April 2021

Darran Gough, 19, Belfast, has improved his skills as an engineer on the SERC ICE Civil Engineering Apprenticeship.
After completing his A-Levels at Christian Brothers (All Saints College), Darran found out about his apprenticeship through the Institution of Civil Engineers Work+ Scheme.
On his course at SERC, Darran comments, “I loved having a balanced work/education life and getting the opportunity to apply my classroom knowledge into a working environment. It is a far easier way to grasp technical engineering aspects and understand why you are doing them.”
Darren says to anyone thinking of coming to SERC, “It is a very beneficial alternative to full time study at university and is a lot more rewarding professionally building a foundation with a company and the industry, as well as earning while you learn, which is a great incentive to choose this way of starting your career as an engineer. Being an engineering apprentice has standards and there is a lot of time invested into you, you will be able to make decisions and can aid live operations in projects which is extremely rewarding for your career. I am continuing study into a higher-level apprenticeship in civil engineering.”
Darran concludes that he would “without a doubt” recommend SERC to anyone considering further or higher education at the College.
To find out more about SERC Apprenticeships, makes sure to check out our Apprenticeship Week events, running from the 26th to the 30th of April. Most of the events this year are run online, with SERC hosting a series of virtual activities which will highlight what is on offer for young people considering the apprenticeship route, for their parents, and for employers who want to grow and strengthen their business with an apprentice.
Employers can book to join our free information event for employers here - Employers - Ask Me Anything with SERC’s Apprenticeship Team Tickets, Thu 29 Apr 2021 at 08:00 | Eventbrite
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