Construction Student Chris Lays Foundations for the Future with SERC
0 min read
10 February 2021

Chris Doherty (24) who is studying for a BTEC HNC in Construction and the Built Environment (Civil Engineering) at SERC’s Lisburn Campus, shares how SERC helped develop his skillset for his chosen career.
Chris, from Lisburn, completed his GCSEs and A-Levels at school before going to Ulster University to study Mechatronic Engineering, but realised this was not the right path for him.
Chris comments, “After researching for what to do, I applied for an apprenticeship with the Department for Infrastructure (DfI Roads). I spoke with other members of staff and my mentors and they advised me on a list of locations to study through the day release and from their recommendations I chose to study at SERC, where I was able to do a BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Civil Engineering and Construction with an NVQ. I then progressed to the HNC in Civil Engineering over a period of a year while working for DfI Roads."
Chris continues, “I really enjoyed my time at SERC. The tutors were always very helpful with any questions or queries on my assignments or class work. The courses I completed were very interesting, especially my CAD classes where I learnt how to draw technical and engineering drawings using specialist industry-standard software, such as AutoCAD and Revit.
On advice to anyone thinking of studying Construction at SERC, Chris says, “Speak to lecturers in charge of the course and ask what is involved. Find out what modules you will be studying and what is needed to complete the qualification. Going from my experience, I would make sure the course you are signing up for is right for you. I knew I wanted to study civil engineering from a young age, but my pathway was not straightforward, however SERC made everything possible set me on the right route. I hope to continue with DfI Roads, progressing within this role and perhaps having the opportunity to further my education to obtain a degree in Civil Engineering.”
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Caption: Chris Doherty (24) from Lisburn, is studying HNC in Construction and the Built Environment (Civil Engineering)at SERC, having changed pathway to gain the skills for a career in civil engineering.
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