Carla kicks off a Creative Meetup, weekly at Bangor SERC library!
0 min read
18 March 2025

"Call out to students – As part of SERC Library’s ongoing mission to enhance the student experience and broaden the learning journey, we’ve invited a talented local artist to come in and share with students something of her urban art story!
Come along to SERC Bangor’s library Glass Room, next Monday 24th March at 11am, where this event will kick off our initiative to host a student-led, creative meet up on a regular basis throughout the rest of term. For more details ask at the Bangor campus library desk.
Carla Hodgson, known in her street art and mural work as CHA CHA, will share a bit of her story as to how she became the prolific public art producer that she now is, showcasing her large scale public murals and the smaller commercial painted windows. Carla will show a small demo of how she works on window art and discuss the pros and cons of that technique.
The aim is to draw in all students from every curriculum area. Because street art transcends the boundaries of gallery spaces and disciplines, it is a levelling and socialised art form. So we’re encouraging students to come along who don’t necessarily see themselves as ‘arty’, but just appreciate the enhancement that artworks can bring to life, particularly in public spaces.
One outcome of this engaging event is to establish a ‘creativity club’ to meet in the library, following on from the success of our group of writers, the “Inkwell Journal” Team. These students use the library spaces on weekly basis to plan and design their literary and artistic journal.
Because this aims to be very much a student led enterprise, this is our callout to encourage as many students as possible to attend on the day and help us shape the emerging club with creative ideas!"
Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram for more news and events @serc.learningresourcecentres
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