*VIDEO* Can you help our learners and businesses to access and obtain the skills they need?
0 min read
08 January 2020

The Department for the Economy has launched a public appointments competition to recruit six Members to the Governing Body of South Eastern Regional College (SERC).
The Governing Body is responsible for ensuring the efficient and effective management of the College, including its financial performance and the quality of its teaching and learning. As a Governing Body Member, individuals have a unique opportunity to make a significant contribution to the development of the College and the wider Further Education sector, by guiding the college in providing the skills.
The Department is committed to the principles of public appointments based on merit with independent assessment, openness and transparency of process. It is also committed to equality of opportunity and welcomes applications from all suitably qualified applicants irrespective of religious belief, gender, race, political opinion, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or whether or not they have dependants. Applications are particularly welcome from women, people with a disability, those from ethnic minorities and young people as these groups are currently under-represented on public bodies. The Department operates a Guaranteed Interview Scheme (GIS) for applicants with a disability.
Please consider posting the competition information on your website or social media, and sharing details with any individuals who you think may be interested in applying.
Further details on the opportunities, including the application pack, are available at the following link: Public Appointments - Department of the Economy
Alternatively contact FE Corporate Governance & Accountability Team by phone on 028 9025 7634 or by e-mail: FE.GovernanceAppointments@economy-ni.gov.uk.
The closing date for applications 12 noon (GMT) on Tuesday 28th January 2020.
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