Brickwork Students Get Insight into Exciting Renovation
0 min read
05 November 2024

Students from the Level 2 Traineeship in Brickwork at South Eastern Regional College’s (SERC) Newtownards Campus got the opportunity to make a site visit to one of the most exciting building transformations in the town recently.
Brickwork Lecturer and Couse Coordinator William Kane explained, “The students visited a development site owned by local property developer, Ruth Smith. Ruth is currently transforming an old derelict commercial building into an aparthotel in the heart of Newtownards.”
He added, “This site visit was an incredible opportunity for our students to experience the workings of a construction site, bustling with activity and people working in various trades. The highlight of the day was a tour of the site with site foreman James Hiles who shared insights into the ongoing work whilst students got to observe bricklayers constructing the second storey, plasterers finishing ceilings and walls, painters and decorators putting the final touches to completed rooms, and electricians running cables back to the plant room.”
Joshua Brown, a first-year student, expressed his enthusiasm. He said, "It was really good to see all the different parts of the building nearing completion. The visit was informative and has given me inspiration to keep going, knowing a little more about some of the opportunities for work in construction."
Ruth Smith also shared her thoughts on the visit, stating, "It was lovely to be able to open our site to the students from SERC so they could experience a real building site in action."
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