Brazilian Students Welcomed to Classes at SERC

0 min read

06 March 2025

The group of visiting Brazilian students around a flag, on SERC Bangor Campus

South Eastern Regional College (SERC) is delighted to welcome 20 students from the Paraiba region of Brazil for a nine-week intensive English language course, with an extensive wraparound cultural and leisure programme.  The students are part of a UK-wide cohort facilitated by Education Together UK – a consortium of colleges in Wales, England and Scotland and funded by the government of Paraiba, Brazil.  

The programme has been set up to encourage a global awareness in Paraiba and to support economic growth through international exchange initiatives for students and staff from state schools. Historically, Paraiba has suffered from a lack of investment and development, and recently the state government has launched a number of bold initiatives, such as this one, in an effort to address these issues. 

The students, from traditional high schools and vocational schools, went through a highly competitive selection process, which demanded the highest academic standards (including their level of English) and exemplary conduct.  

Elaine McKeown, Senior International Development Manager at SERC, says “SERC is delighted to be part of such an important, life-changing project for the students, many of whom have never travelled outside their hometown. As well as studying English language, the students will learn about our culture and history, visit many of our top tourist attractions and heritage sites, and learn how to cook some of our traditional dishes. To facilitate full immersion into our language and culture, the students will be living with local families, who have welcomed them into their homes, as part of their family unit. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to our homestay families for their willingness to participate and be part of this important development programme.”  

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