Bangor students shine at Intercampus IT Competition
0 min read
14 May 2021

IT students from South Eastern Regional College (SERC) Bangor campus proved they have the edge at SERC’s annual intercampus IT competition which recently took place in the College’s Space campus.
Richard Sittlington, Curriculum Manager for Computing said, “The event is split into two competitions: one for programming and one for infrastructure and networking. It gives students from all levels of computing courses an opportunity to compete against each other, testing their skills and abilities. The good part of the programming competition is the teams are made up of students across the different levels, and they must work together to win the prize. This allows our students at levels 2 and 3 to work with students at levels 4 and 5, giving further education students an opportunity to learn from the higher education students.
"The infrastructure competition is solo, so it allows students to test their skills against others from all levels. It isn't always the higher education students who get the prizes, our Level 2 and 3 students compete very well when they know of the high-quality prizes that they can attain. It brings a bit of fun into their learning and enables them to meet other computing students at SERC.”
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IT students from South Eastern Regional College (SERC) proved they have the edge at SERC’s annual intercampus IT competition.
Pic 1 Software competition:
The winning team was Damon Mitchell (20) from Bangor, Harry Drinkwater (23), from Holywood, Edward Jackson (23) from Newtownards. Each of the students earned themselves a Razer Gaming Keyboard.
Network Infrastructure competition:
Pic 2 First place was Kyle Gould (21) from Newtownards, who won a Razer Gaming Keyboard.
Pic 3 Second Place was Kai Dawson (17) Donaghadee who earned himself a Razer Gaming Headset
Pic 4 Third Place was Kurtis McDowell (19) from Bangor, who won a Razer Gaming Mouse.
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