Back Care Awareness Week
0 min read
05 October 2021

Back Care Awareness Week runs from the 4th to the 8th October 2021 and the theme for this year’s campaign is Back Pain working from home.
Heads Together recorded a session recently and covered workplace set up at home and an introduction to good postural alignment, exercises and stretches to reduce the risk of muscular tension. To access the session click here. The session covers the following areas:
- Creating a workspace at home.
- The importance of work life blend and creating boundaries.
- Optimising concentration levels.
- Top Tips to enhance wellbeing while working from home.
- Daily exercises and stretches to support posture and reduce muscular tension.
- Digital detox.
To access booklets from Backcare regarding caring for your back while Working from Home click here and spending more time at home booklet click here
Backcare have provided a link to their quarterly magazine which provides useful information on the effects of long covid on back pain, to access, click here
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