Apprenticeship Leads Zoe to Work in Health and Social Care
0 min read
26 April 2021

Zoe Robinson, 17, from Cookstown, is currently studying Level 2/3 Health and Social Care as a work-based Apprentice with Runwood Homes - Weaver’s Court in the town.
Zoe progressed to SERC after completing her GCSEs at Cookstown High School. She realised an Apprenticeship was the right pathway for her following attendance at an open day when she received valuable information about how she could learn whilst she earned.
Zoe comments, “I was keen to study health and social care as I felt I would enjoy a caring role and it does give me great pleasure seeing the residents smile. I really enjoy the work and realise how important the role of a carer is, especially given this past year.”
She added, “It has been hard studying online during the pandemic as I much prefer meeting with my tutors face-to-face. I am continually learning and the knowledge I gain through the apprenticeship is supporting my development in the workplace which is very hands-on, and no two days are the same.”
Zoe concludes, “I would definitely recommend the work-based apprenticeship route to anyone who is thinking of a career in the health care sector as there are so many different roles you can follow. On successful completion I would love to progress to nursing, but I am keeping my options open.”
To find out more about SERC Apprenticeships, makes sure to check out our Apprenticeship Week events, running from the 26th to the 30th of April. Most of the events this year are run online, with SERC hosting a series of virtual activities which will highlight what is on offer for young people considering the apprenticeship route, for their parents, and for employers who want to grow and strengthen their business with an apprentice.
Parents and Potential Apprentices can book to join our free information event here
Employers can book to join our free information event for employers here
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