A Passion for Travel Leads Kenzie to Higher Education at SERC
0 min read
12 August 2024

Pearson BTEC HNC in International Travel and Tourism Management student Kenzie Seaton (18), from Belfast, is studying at South Eastern Regional College (SERC) to reach her goal of working in the travel industry.
After completing her A-Levels at Belfast Model School for Girls, Kenzie struggled to decide what to do next. Kenzie said: “Travel is my passion, so I knew I wanted to pursue something travel-related, but it was hard to find the right route. My careers teacher told me about travel and tourism courses available at SERC, so I decided to find out more.” After applying online and successfully completing a phone interview, Kenzie was accepted onto the course and started at SERC’s Lisburn Campus in September 2023.
On her time at SERC, Kenzie says: “I love the college and the course. There are so many events and activities available to get involved with. At the start of term, I participated in Enterprise Fortnight as part of Project Based Learning – it was a great introduction to the college and helped me to meet other students.”
Kenzie continues: “I have also applied for the Turing scheme to Stellenbosch University in South Africa. It will be a dream come true if I am accepted!”
On her plans for the future, Kenzie comments, “I want to continue onto the Pearson BTEC HND in International Travel and Tourism Management at SERC, and then finish study with a degree in travel and tourism at university before entering work in the tourism industry”
Kenzie concludes “If you aren’t ready for university yet, a course at SERC may be a good step into Higher Education. The fees are lower than universities, and with smaller class sizes, the college can offer a more supportive learning environment.”
Visit www.serc.ac.uk to unlock your future #BetterOffAtSERC.
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