5 Ways to Wellbeing at Christmas

0 min read

21 December 2022


Christmas can be a time for celebration, but it can also be challenging for those going through difficult times. Whatever this festive period means to you, it’s important that everyone feels able to manage their mental health throughout the holidays. Action Mental Health recommends following the Five Ways to Wellbeing over the Christmas period - see the short video below:

The 5 Ways:

1. Connect - Connect with the people around you. According to Northern Ireland’s interim Mental Health Champion, Professor Siobhan O’Neill, no matter what age we are, probably one of the most important factors for improved psychological health and wellbeing, is relationships and connectedness with other people. “A huge amount of research has shown the positive effects of relationships on our physical health, like blood pressure, cardiac illness, cancer, as well as our mental health, including reduced levels of stress and depression.” If you need some time on your own this busy season, reflect; spend a while doing something you enjoy. Stay in touch with how you are feeling by connecting with your mind and body. Mindfulness is one way to do this.

2. Be Active - Whether you prefer walking or running, cycling, playing a game, gardening or dancing, exercise makes you feel good. Find something you enjoy and dedicate time to do it; start with 10 minutes and work up to 30 minutes of physical activity for the day.

3. Take Notice - Stop, pause, and take a moment to look around you. What can you see, smell or even taste? Look for beautiful, new, unusual, or extraordinary things in your everyday life and think about how that makes you feel without judging or trying to change them. Take a few deep breaths, feel the rising and falling of your chest, and take notice of the chair under you or the weight of your feet on the floor. Try apps like Headspace or Calm for guided meditations, and you’ll learn how to notice and release tension you didn’t even realise you were carrying. Sit in your garden or go for walks with those in your life, notice nature and the sound of life.

4. Keep Learning - Variety is the spice of life so keep learning new things, it will make you feel more confident, will boost your self-esteem, and improve your overall wellbeing. Use any spare time to unwind, learn a skill you were putting off – cook, study a new language, exercise, or get stuck into a novel.

5. Give - Look outward as well as inward. Linking yourself and your happiness to the wider community can be incredibly rewarding and will create connections with the people around you, even if you can’t physically be there. Giving can be something as simple as using social media in a positive way to share messages or support. Make a call or send a text to a friend, older relative or someone living on their own – it might just make their day to know that someone is thinking of them.

Support is available if you are struggling with your feelings at Christmas

  • If you feel you need to speak to someone, confidential support is provided by Inspire Wellbeing and is available 24 hours, 7 days week by telephoning 0808 800 0002.  
  • UK Healthcare offers 24/7 confidential telephone line with experienced and qualified counsellors’ - telephone 0800 107 6585 quote UK Healthcare and reference number 72740.  
  • The Here 2 Help app can be downloaded and it acts as a local directory for anyone in crisis or in need of support, it can be downloaded on your phone - click here to download.

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