Academic Appeals Process

SERC wants your experience to be positive but sometimes there may be issues that concern you. You should feel free to discuss areas of concern, whatever they may be, with your tutors.

Academic Appeals and Complaints

SERC wants your experience to be positive but sometimes there may be issues that concern you. You should feel free to discuss areas of concern, whatever they may be, with your tutors. It is always better to do this as soon as possible so that these can be resolved. There may be times, however, when a formal approach is needed and procedures exist to help you do this.

Academic Appeals and Complaints are different and operate under two separate procedures.

An Academic Appeal is a formal request within specific grounds to review decisions made by the Higher Education Assessment and Examination Board on progression, assessment and awards.

A complaint is a formal expression of dissatisfaction made by either a single student or a group of students about the provision of their programme of study or related academic service or facility or any other service provided by the College. The Academic Appeals Procedure cannot be used to bring complaints.

Academic Appeals and Complaints

Below is guidance as to which process covers which issue. Remember this is not an exhaustive list and Customer Services staff, your tutor or the Students’ Union will help direct you. Please do act as soon as an issue arises as we always seek to sort out a concern as quickly as is feasible.

Issue Relevant Process
Admissions Complaint process
Services e.g. LRC, Canteen, IT, Student Finance, pastoral care Complaint process
Disciplinary issues including exclusion Student and Trainee Behaviour and Disciplinary process
Plagiarism and malpractice Academic Appeals
Course delivery e.g. resources, timetabling, teaching Complaint process
College administration Complaint process
Health and Safety Complaint process
Outcomes of assessment, progression or awards Academic Appeals
Perceived bias or equality issue Complaint process