World Water Day - 22nd March 2021

World Water Day

World Water Day - 22nd March 2021

Today is World Water Day which is an annual event that looks at the global issues surrounding access to clean, safe drinking water and sanitation. 

Have you ever wondered how much water you use every day?

GetWaterFit can help you to understand your household water footprint.

The digital tool will help you to: 

  • Save water, by reducing your use per appliance
  • Save energy, by using less hot water
  • Reduce your carbon footprint, by using less cold and hot water and
  • Save money on your utility bills

By completing the survey, you will be able to claim some FREE water saving items tailored for your home. Some of the items based on your responses can include 4 minute shower timers, save a flush bags and leaky loo strips! You can also set yourself up on various challenges to conserve water.  As a result, you can earn ‘coins’ which can be used to donate to one of several charities listed on the portal.



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