
Find out more about Veganuary and our top tips to make going vegan easy!


Have you been considering starting a vegan diet? Why not test the waters by participating in Veganuary? After all, ground-breaking research in 2019 revealed that ‘avoiding meat and dairy products is the single biggest way to reduce your environmental impact’ while also enjoying the countless health benefits associated with a vegan diet.

‘Veganuary’, a combination of the words ‘vegan’ and ‘January’, is a term created by the UK-based nonprofit of the same name which launched in 2014. Their mission is to ‘inspire and support people to try vegan, drive corporate change, and create a global mass movement championing compassionate food choices with the aim of reducing animal farming, protecting the planet, and improving human health’. The movement is increasing with over 400,000 people pledging to try a vegan diet in 2020 alone! 

If you are keen to join them, check out our top tips for acing Veganuary below!

1. Sign up to the Veganuary website. There are daily support emails with plenty of tips and tricks to help you on your journey.

2. Plan your meals. We all know the saying by now, ‘if you fail to plan, you are planning to fail’.

3. Replicate your favourite meals. It is now easier than ever to find meat and dairy-free alternatives in your local supermarket. 

4. Get your friends and family involved. This is a great way to stay motivated and if you’re the chef of house you only have to cook one meal!

5. Treat yourself to some vegan goodies, whether it be chocolate, ice cream, sweets or pizza. You deserve it! 

6. Don’t worry if you slip up! This all totally new to you and these things happen. Reducing your meat and dairy intake will have a profound impact on the environment and can help your health, even if you don’t fully eliminate it! Move on and keep going. 

Good luck and, most importantly, enjoy going green!

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