Sustainability Through a Pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic has turned everyone’s lives upside-down and unfortunately it has also taken its toll on the planet.

Sustainability Through a Pandemic

It is no secret that we are currently living through very challenging and uncertain times. The Covid-19 pandemic has turned everyone’s lives upside-down and unfortunately it has also taken its toll on the planet. So, what is it that we as individuals can do to make sustainability a part of our new everyday lives? Here are 6 steps we can take:   

Face Masks and Gloves –  

These have become new essential items in our lives and the massive surge in use has led to a large increase in waste, which impacts our oceans and its inhabitants. A recent study by the University College of London has shown that reusable masks without a filter have the lowest yearly impact on the environment. It is also important to remember to properly dispose of any PPE, by using rubbish bins. It is a simple action with a great cause and effect!  

Recycling – 

Due to lockdown restrictions, there has been a notable decrease in recycling.  With recycling centres being shut and more of us cooking and eating at home, this has led to a huge increase in household waste. So, try to keep this in mind when you’re shopping and disposing of rubbish. Avoid single-use plastic wherever you can and use the correct bins for your household waste.  

Reusable Water Bottles –  

Opting for reusable water bottles is a brilliant way to contribute to the cause of sustainability. Especially with more time being spent at home, frequently refilling your bottle is easier than ever.  

Sustainable Brands -   

Some of us may have more time on our hands due to the pandemic, so why not do some research into more sustainable brands? Whether it be food, cosmetics, household products, or anything else, supporting brands with sustainability in mind is a great thing for our planet. Here are some, to get you started:  


  • Bleach London – Their entire hair range is fully vegan, all their cardboard packaging 100% recyclable, with their plastic to follow at the end of the year.  
  • Lush Cosmetics – Lush Cosmetics are all about ethics and sustainability. They only use vegetarian ingredients, are against animal testing, have a lot of consideration regarding transport, workers’ rights and the environment, and have also stopped using around 250 tonnes of Palm oil.  
  • Eco Tools – This company’s products are vegan-friendly, cruelty-free and made with only renewable and recyclable materials.  

Cleaning Products: 

  • Bio-D – Bio-D is the only green cleaning company who meet the BSEN1276 standard for commercial food preparation. They’re also cruelty-free, and all of their products are made in the UK. The list goes on a lot more for this company too!   Faith in Nature – All of this company’s products are 100% recycled and recyclable, vegan, made in the UK, cruelty-free, and use completely natural fragrances.  
  • Nueco – Nueco are against animal testing and all their packaging is 99% biodegradable and 100% recyclable. Their refillable containers also make for 90% less plastic used and their cleaning products have low aquatic toxicity, meaning ocean pollution is greatly minimalised (unlike with most cleaning brands).  

Eco-Friendly Foods -   

Food sustainability involves more than just the food itself, but even more so its packaging, production, and distribution. Vegetables have the lowest environmental impact; especially when organic, sourced locally and bought seasonally. Look out for the Fairtrade logo on any of your groceries, as a symbol for increased environmental and social standards and avoid palm oil (sometimes just labelled as “vegetable oil”) wherever possible.  

Why? Because this ingredient is the cause of a high amount of deforestation, which has a devastating effect not only on the forests and their inhabitants, but on the environment as a whole. Instead, try reaching for foods which clearly label other oils such as: sunflower oil, coconut oil, olive oil, canola oil, or corn oil.  


Transport, and subsequently emission levels, have of course seen a decrease over the past months, which has worked in favour of the environment. By walking or cycling instead of driving, wherever possible, we not only work towards saving the planet, but we also improve our overall health and fitness levels. What’s not to love?    

Believe it or not, the actions of each and every one of us can make an impact on the environment. There are small changes that we can make to our lives, that play their part in preserving our planet. So, let’s work together in making that impact as positive as possible!  

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