Harvey Neale

Harvey Neale

“Right now, we are learning about printmaking and pottery, so we are doing a lot of research around printmakers and ceramic artists, I’m enjoying it a lot, however my favourite area of the course is fine art – I love painting. I also enjoy doing dry point prints, which is basically doing sketches, but you carve into the material you are working on rather than drawing on it."

“I also like the lecturers; they have great knowledge about the course contents and are great at teaching you the different art styles and techniques you learn to do on the course too. If you have an interest in art, you’ll definitely enjoy the course.” 

“I’d like to go on and do a foundation degree at SERC before going off to university, and then go into selling my paintings. I’d also be interested in a career teaching art too.” 

“I’d recommend SERC, everyone I know that’s done a course here has had a good experience. I know a lot of people that stayed on at school to do A-Levels and then came to SERC to study after to get extra qualifications, which shows how beneficial SERC is.”